
Kami Naber (PsyD)

With recent changes in our world and communities, adolescents and young adults are bombarded with stress and insecurity leading to mental health challenges. Anxiety, depression, and loneliness can lead to increased isolation, conflicts in parent/child relationships, suicidal thoughts and feelings of hopelessness. They may need a life line, a map to find their way.

I firmly believe that young people do well if they can. They desire to feel better and thrive but lack the skills to reach that goal. I have worked with adolescents and young adults for over 15 years in a variety of capacities and specialize in adolescent development and treatment and the challenges that arise in the transitional years of young adulthood.

Navigating adolescence and young adulthood is often referred to as the most difficult season of life. Having support and resources can change their trajectory and offer them the tools necessary to overcome future challenges in a healthy and adaptive way.

What to expect:

Introductory Chat

First we start with a quick 15 minute chat over Zoom or the Phone to make sure I will be able to help and that we can work well together.

First Session

The first session is a one hour intake appointment, a more directive question and answer format to assist me in better understanding the presenting problem. We explore your personal and medical history, culture, social connections, faith, family, gender, sexuality, or any other relevant details to help me better serve you.

Working Sessions

If you feel comfortable with our initial intake appointment and desire to enter into a therapy relationship with me, our ongoing sessions begin with us collaborating on goals to direct our continued work together. You can choose to meet weekly or bi weekly, in-person or over telehealth. You may have experiences during the week you wish to discuss during your therapy session and we can use the therapy goals to assist us in reducing distressing symptoms or interpersonal challenges and help you return to a life worth living.

About me

I am a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in the treatment of adolescents and young adults. I offers individual therapy and comprehensive Autism Spectrum disorder assessments with individualized recommendations for adolescents and adults. I also currently holds an adjunct position at George Fox University Graduate School of Clinical Psychology, teaching, training and supervising practicum students.

I spent most of my graduate school education, practicum experience and research dissertation focusing on adolescent development, treatment, assessment, suicide reduction and crisis consultation.

I have enjoyed speaking and lecturing to educators, coaches, graduate students, and parents on adolescent neuro development, and how to navigate the many challenges that arise in this developmental stage.

I spend most of her professional time offering individual therapy, autism assessment, supervision and teaching, and my personal time with friends, family and enjoying all forms of nature.

I live in the rolling vineyards outside of Hillsboro, Oregon with my best friend and husband, Keith. We have two grown daughters, a long-hair chihuahua who is always looking for an available lap and a cat who meets all the DSM-5 criteria for autism spectrum disorder.


Dr. Kami held space for me and my aching heart in a way no other therapist has. Her tenderness gave me validation and comfort. While her questions and intuition encouraged me to dig deeper. She helped me understand the subconscious affects of generational trauma and specifically religious trauma, showing me how those systems still affect my thinking today. I cherish our sessions and feel a new sense of forgiveness for my past.
In years of personally working with Dr. Kami Naber, it is my experience that she is an expert in adolescence. Her gentle, warm and direct approach to humanity leaves one with a safe place to land in the midst of crisis, confusion and any difficulties that life may bring. She is exceptionally wise and brings years of dedicated experience from a career in private education. She exudes compassion and has faithfully walked with a vast array of students and young adults in their unique journeys. She works faithfully with families to create connections and has seen many adolescents and young adults through their struggles and back to thriving in their lives. The highest regard I can share is that I’m grateful my own children look to Dr. Naber for guidance, encouragement, acceptance and kindness. Dr. Naber generously gives all that she has to whoever she is seated across from, with a gentle yet confident assurance that we are not alone. She simply and very sincerely sees the person.
I have had the privilege to know Dr. Kami Naber over the course of many years. She is warm-hearted and caring, making everyone she is with feel special. She has counseled me through many difficult life events including cancer, family crisis, and grief. Her compassion, empathy, and non-judgmental approach, allow me to share freely and comfortably, helping me to get to the core of the issue and gently guiding me as I work through it. I am forever grateful.
“Just WOW! a phenomenal assessment, incredibly helpful. Greatly appreciated your input, on our mutual client. I would like to let you know that this particular evaluation just made my clinical day so much easier, and so for that thank you.”
Dr N. (Psychiatry-Pearl Family Medicine)